One of my goals for this blog is to get feedback from readers, so please don’t be shy about leaving comments or offering suggestions. It doesn’t even have to be about heat printing. People do business with people, and everybody has a story. At Stahls’, we are always trying to build stronger relationships with our customers by getting to know them a little better everytime we speak with one of them on the phone. Busy garment decorators don’t always have time to chat, but when we know that your best employee just called in sick and you have a huge team lettering order to fill that you have to heat press on your own it two days, we’ll do whatever we can to make sure you have what you need, when you need it. Want to know more about our story? There’s a video we produced in-house about the history of Stahls’. It was put together in 2004, and a lot has changed since then, but it still does a good job of sharing who we are and where we came from. Here’s the link.