Ted Stahl's Blog

Making It Together

Here is a calendar of all upcoming how-to events. We hope you can join us. To register or more information, click here.

We wouldn’t still be here if it weren’t for all of you out there that are finding creative ways to keep your doors open. Thank you for your continued trust and faith in us. You can visit the Stahls’ and Transfer Express websites for the latest information on ordering and shipping. And another word of thanks to all of you that continue to share positive stories of how you are still building your business and planning for the future. We really appreciate your attendance and participation in our online learning events. You are inspiring others with your questions and comments. If you haven’t had a chance to attend any of our live educational sessions that have been airing, you can now find most of them on Stahls’ YouTube channel. There are actually hundreds of great how-to heat print videos posted there, so it’s a fantastic resource that’s available 24/7. You can watch today’s session right here.

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