Ted Stahl's Blog

Let’s Follow A New Personalization Business–Doing What Zazzle Can’t

Temporary Sign on the door of the Club Store at the MI Elite Volleyball Club

I just got the most recent Stahls’ ID Direct email, which included specials on lettering kits and free heat press shipping. Anyway…the photo of the kits reminded me that I promised to share more about the Michigan based volleyball club, MI Elite, that recently started using our heat press and lettering kits to move more merchandise from their club store. They are really excited about their new ability to offer personalization and are not wasting any time in letting people know they now offer this service.  You might not be able to read the sign but it says: Personalize Your Apparel:  Get Your Name on Your Bag, Sweatshirt and Sweats

Now this is something I always recommend that people do–let people know that you offer the service of personalization. You will be surprised at how many people out there want this service but don’t know where to go to get it done. Remember–this is something that Zazzle or Cafe Press CAN’T do! You can’t send them your existing apparel items and have them decorate them! And who would mail in their sweatshirt or expensive team bag to someone, not knowing when or how it will be returned. This is a service that those of you with heat presses can offer right now and it can help you move merchandise. MI Elite is offering personalization as a service–they are charging to have lettering put on existing or already owned items and they are also selling new items off the shelf that no one wanted to purchase before they had this service.  I will be sharing more with you on the story of MI Elite, because it is such a great example of how you can profit with personalization. Even in today’s new economy. Stay tuned for more posts about MI Elite and their venture into the world of personalization.

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