Let’s Follow A New Personalization Business–Doing What Zazzle Can’t

Temporary Sign on the door of the Club Store at the MI Elite Volleyball Club

I just got the most recent Stahls’ ID Direct email, which included specials on lettering kits and free heat press shipping. Anyway…the photo of the kits reminded me that I promised to share more about the Michigan based volleyball club, MI Elite, that recently started using our heat press and lettering kits to move more merchandise from their club store. They are really excited about their new ability to offer personalization and are not wasting any time in letting people know they now offer this service.  You might not be able to read the sign but it says: Personalize Your Apparel:  Get Your Name on Your Bag, Sweatshirt and Sweats

Now this is something I always recommend that people do–let people know that you offer the service of personalization. You will be surprised at how many people out there want this service but don’t know where to go to get it done. Remember–this is something that Zazzle or Cafe Press CAN’T do! You can’t send them your existing apparel items and have them decorate them! And who would mail in their sweatshirt or expensive team bag to someone, not knowing when or how it will be returned. This is a service that those of you with heat presses can offer right now and it can help you move merchandise. MI Elite is offering personalization as a service–they are charging to have lettering put on existing or already owned items and they are also selling new items off the shelf that no one wanted to purchase before they had this service.  I will be sharing more with you on the story of MI Elite, because it is such a great example of how you can profit with personalization. Even in today’s new economy. Stay tuned for more posts about MI Elite and their venture into the world of personalization.

Sharing is caring!


  1. Hi Ted,

    I am a local visual artist. You can see my work by visiting http://www.danielcascardo.com. I am very excited about the innovative capabilities for the decorative apparel industry and how Stahl’s is at the front of the pack. I have had the opportunity to use your puff ink transfers over 25 years ago and still have t-shirts with the image in great shape. Today, I write to you in search of information. I am starting a line of beachwear that will be primarily internet based sales, with customization using my unique style of art. I am looking for someone I can talk to face to face in helping me to partner with a local supplier utilizing the latest in what your company has to offer. Please e-mail or call (248) 885-0028 if you can help me out.


  2. Ted says:

    Thanks for your comment Daniel and that is unbelievable that a t-shirt that is 25 years old is still in good shape. And some people don’t believe that heat printing is durable! I believe someone from Stahls’ ID Direct has contacted you and I wish you all the best in your idea with your line of beachwear. Your art is fantastic and so colorful. Maybe CADPrintz, our digital full color transfers will be an option. Again, good luck and thanks for reading.

  3. Thanks Ted,

    I’m meeting with Terry Wagner next week. Looking forward to pushing the limits with your product. I’ll keep you posted!

  4. I have had a local sign shop at the same rented location for
    over 30 years and had started out with hand lettering and added a hand inked signpress and then on to photo screenprinting signs, and finally to computer vinyl. The shop area is less than
    15 x 45 sq. ft. and so turned down a free multi-station t-shirt
    screenprinting machine due to its size. Am planning to add a T-shirt heat press eventually. But recently, have been busy with
    other projects, and would like to ask your opinion, Ted; if the
    12th item down (video) on my website is applicable toward the
    computer cut hotpress material. It is a safety hook and blade which i now use every day. Am looking for someone to manufacture it. The website address is :
    Thanks ahead for any feedback. – Terry Wag.

  5. Ted says:

    Hi Terry,
    Thanks for your comment. You have some pretty interesting inventions on your site, I enjoyed looking at them especially the boats. I think your idea with the safety hook and blade is right on, I’m not sure how I can help you in the manufacturing process for this however. I’m surprised that you haven’t already added a heat press to your business, you could easily be cutting CAD-CUT materials and making custom shirts and more if you had a heat press. You already have the production techniques down it seems. Good luck with your inventions and I hope you are able to make an investment in a heat press soon. You already understand the benefits due to your space limitations and heat printing doesn’t have the enviornmental issues (clean up, etc…) that you would have to deal with with screenprinting.

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