Ted Stahl's Blog

Take Your Heat Press to Events

Are you ready to take your business on the road this summer? Download your free e-book on Event Marketing from Transfer Express.

Take Your Heat Press to Events

If you’re looking for new customers, consider your favorite hobbies as a place to start. Do you love to fish or go camping? What about horseback riding? Classic or antique car shows? With summer here, you’ll find outdoor events that specialize in just about every hobby or interest. If you own a heat press, you can travel to events you enjoy and sell shirts at the same time.

With events opening back up across the country, it may be time to take your heat press on the road. As a t-shirt vendor at an event, you’ll not only find new customers with common interests, you can also earn some extra money.

Try Event Marketing

If you’ve ever considered bringing your heat press to an event, summer is a great time to give it a try.

Pre-Planning Required

There are a few things you will have to do first.

First of all, you will need to find an event. Some events charge vendors, some don’t. You will probably have to sign a contract so read the fine print. You may even have to give a portion of your sales to the organizer. It all depends on the specific event.

Secondly, you need to have some type of booth or table set up. Transfer Express recently published a book on how to take your business on the road. It’s an ebook that you can easily download and read for more detailed information.  You will want to consider booth location at the event (make sure there will be good foot traffic near your booth) and sun protection if outdoors.

You will also need to make sure you have electricity. Some venues charge extra for this. Remember your heat press needs a dedicated 20 AMP circuit for proper heating.

There will also be safety rules and other regulations. Make sure you know what you’re getting into.

That being said, we have many customers who successfully and profitably take their business on the road. Some have vans or trailers outfitted to make it easy.

Bring Transfers

People really enjoy putting together a custom shirt at the event. To start, you will want to have examples of shirts people can purchase. Make sure to bring transfers or pre-printed shirts and allow customers to add names or other transfer elements. You can charge for each print.

Rodeos, horse shows and summer fairs all need t-shirt vendors. Order custom transfers from Transfer Express.

There’s Still Time

Even though it’s already June, there are still thousands of events out there that need t-shirt vendors. And if you find an event that already has a vendor, attend and take notes. You’ll quickly discover what you could be doing better. Make notes.

Learning Experience

Selling at events is a learning experience. Preparation is key. Make sure you research your audience, your venue and most importantly your costs. With the right combination of shirts and transfers, you can be a successful vendor and have a lot of fun.




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