On October 30 I had the opportunity to attend a very special retirement event in England. We were there to honor Robin Bull, who has served as the General Director of Stahls U.K. Target Transfers since 2001. Along with 75 other guests, including Robin’s wife Sharon and his two daughters, we went through many memories and highlights from Robin’s 38 plus years in the imprinted sportswear industry. Also on hand were GroupeSTAHL team members from Europe, including Frank B., Thomas and Christiana from Germany; and friends from as far as Spain and Italy. Along with Robin’s staff members, relatives and friends, we also welcomed the father and son team of Noel and Alan Dentith who have been customers/distributors of Target Transfers for over 35 years. Jan Starr and Chris Lawson also joined me to represent GroupeSTAHL from the U.S. Martin Borley, who is now the General Director of Stahls U.K. Target Transfers, held a short speech reminding us that Robin has been active in the industry for over 38 years, even though he previously was a practicing attorney. After 10 years of criminal law, litigation and divorce law, he saw the light and started his career in the transfer industry. Martin estimated that during Robin’s successful career, he has made over 150 city and country trips, traveled over one million miles, overseen the production of over 60 million transfers and sold 40,000 heat presses! I also had the opportunity to speak and share our collective appreciation of Mr Transfer’s (our nickname for Robin) dedication and hard work. Robin also graciously thanked all of us for our support, with extra thanks going to his wife and daughters and the dedicated team at Target Transfers. There were a few tears shed but it all ended with a rousing standing ovation and a well earned drink. Adieu good friend, or as I sometimes say, Talawego–until we meet again.

We’re going to miss you old friend. Enjoy your well-deserved retirement. Talawego or until we meet again.

The day after the party, a group of us travelled to Colchester Castle for little sight- seeing and lunch.
Colchester has been inhabited since 50 BC, most famously by the Romans (AD 49). By chance two were available for a quick picture while we were there. Martinus Borleyus and Robinus Bullus. One reason we all get along so well is that we have never taken ourselves too seriously!