It’s always bittersweet to end the Great Race, knowing that we will be saying goodbye to friends we most likely won’t see again for at least another year. We woke up in the
middle of the night wondering, “what is our out time?” only to realize we have a plane to catch and not a rally checkpoint to make. Catching a plane somehow isn’t quite as fun. But we’re all safely back in Michigan and we wanted to take a few more minutes to thank everyone once again. If you subscribe to the Stahls’ ID Blog, you may have read a post called Road Rally Support Rules, which gives some humorous insight on what it’s like to be a member of a support team on the Great Race. Support teams mean a lot to racers, and we were lucky to have so much help from our team in addition to the volunteer crews working in each city/stop. Thanks to the folks from GroupeSTAHL who came out at different times for different legs of the race, Brian McLeod, Jim Young, Joe Kosinski, Danielle Petroskey and Mike Corrigan, as well as all the behind the scenes help from people back home, especially Cheri Johnson (we can’t even begin to list all she has done) and Brian Baker for help with the Spirit of Stahls’ logo wear–everything from shirts to caps and jackets and even coolers. (That’s another blog post, we’ll show you how we made our spirit wear!) There are actually so many people that helped we can’t name them all–but thank you to those of you who participated in all the Spirit of Stahls’ days during Race Week, and to those who donated to the philanthropy of the Great Race, the Great Race for Autism. Together you helped raise over $3000 between our team and Brett and Dan’s team! That is quite an accomplishment and we are very proud that you chose to donate on behalf of our teams to help this worthy cause. Thank you. We are working on getting a copy of the wonderful video that was shown at the awards banquet on Sunday evening. It features scenes of the cars on the road, of the majestic Mississippi river scenery we all experienced, of the thunderstorms, of the heat and humidity and most of all, of the camaraderie of all the Great Racers. As soon as we can get a copy, we will post it. And one more shout out to all the customers who came out along the route to say hello. We truly enjoyed saying hello to everyone. And now, we are ready to get back to the business of heat printing. Some great posts on marketing to grow your business, transfers, volleyball,CAD-CUT®, CAD-PRINTZ®, and more, much more!