This isn’t a heat printing topic, although it does have something to do with heat. Most people I chat with have heard of geothermal energy but don’t realize how cost efficient and environmentally friendly it really is. I should know, I have a geothermal heating/cooling system installed in my home and it has served me well and saved me money, even considering the cold Midwestern winters and hot and humid summers. If you are interested in a greener, more cost efficient way to heat and cool your home, this website, is a good source for information and even has a savings calculator that shows you how much money you can save annually compared to conventional heating/cooling methods. You can also learn more about how geothermal energy works. Plus, it explains the potential tax credits available to homeowners who purchase systems to switch to geothermal. Just thought I would help spread the word…there’s no reason to be dependent on rising oil electricity or natural gas prices for heating and cooling when we have alternatives like this.