You can find the link to donate to support the Race to Autism (all monies raised go directly to the charity, not to our teams) in the blog posting. Thanks for supporting this worthy cause!
Many in the industry are asking me how they can support the VCRA Race for Autism philanthropy for which our teams are rallying to raise money. We have two teams participating in the Great Race 2013. Just click here for more information on how to donate. Just to be clear, each team participating in the Great Race is trying to raise money to support the Fight Against Autism. These monies are NOT to support the teams participating in the race. It is just set up as a friendly competition between the teams to see who can help raise the most money for this philanthropy. Here is some information from their website that explains where the monies raised go to help:
The 2012 VCRA Race For Autism was a huge success raising over $53,000!
As a result, in 2012 the VCRA made direct donations of $59,000 plus another $10,000 earmarked for a future “Adult” learning center/home for children with Autism reaching adulthood for a Grand Total of $69,000.
$16,000 to FACT (Families of Autistic Children of Tidewater) in Virginia Beach, VA.
$13,000 to the Huron Learning Center in Bad Axe, MI.
$15,000 the Autism Model School in Toledo, Ohio.
$15,000 to the Sherwood Center in Kansas City, Missouri.
Since 2005 the VCRA has donated over $400,000 directly to Autism Chapters, Schools, Centers and Programs in need across America. The VCRA wishes to thank their competitor Friends, Sponsors, and Contributors who have generously supported the VCRA.