You'll close more sales if you show your client their full color logo applied on a variety of items. It's easy and affordable with the CAD-PRINTZ bid kit from Stahls' ID Direct
Develop a quality presentation.If someone asks “Why should I buy from you?” you should be able to answer without hesitation, giving the person a clear, precise, benefit-filled pitch. Consider making up samples with the prospect’s logo as well as displays showing the colors you offer in CAD-CUT materials and the different effects. Glitter, reflective, fluorescent, and puff are just some of the specialty materials available. If you really want to close an important deal, the best presentation you can give would feature the client’s very own full color logo applied on a variety of items. Don’t forget to include unusual or diffcult to print items like nylon jackets, bags or even umbrellas. They may only want to purchases t-shirts or hoodies, but if they are aware of your printing capabilities, it might encourage them to think outside the box as well. It’s easier than ever to capitalize on big business opportunities with effective customized samples. And you can do it without breaking your budget! The CAD-PRINTZ Bid Kit includes 14 different sizes of your client’s logo. There’s no limit to colors or detail. CAD-PRINTZ give you photo-realistic quality, super fine details, sharp lines, crisp images every time! It’s never been easier to give your clients full color logo samples in your sales presentation. When you show up with this personalized, proof that you can print presentation, they will have no reason to look anywhere else! You will close the sale on the spot. And the best part is, you can quote the pricing then and there as well. Assure them that add-ons and re-orders are no problem with quick turnaround. This allows you a very personalized presentation, but you should also be prepared with a more generic presentation as well. Try printing up some mini-t-shirts with your logo instead of an ordinary business card.