The Broncos are supposed to announce that Peyton Manning is signing with them for the upcoming NFL season today at 3pm EST. Not a huge secret or surprise after all the press coverage on Peyton recently. The question now becomes, what jersey will he be wearing at the press conference? Reebok only has 11 more days as the uniform provider for the NFL (Nike plans to unveil new NFL uniform looks on April 3 in NYC). I guess we’ll see shortly.
Ted: Thanks to my dad, we know one thing, Peyton will wear #18. Proud of dad for allowing it out of retirement and proud of how Peyton Manning handled the issue with my dad. Once the Nike Jerseys come out, Petyon has promised us one for our store (EAGLE DESIGNS, Allen TX). Thanks to you and everyone at Stahl’s for being such a great vendor of ours. We could not run our business without the quality of materials and service we get from Stahl’s!
Chris, I hope you get your new Nike Peyton Manning jersey! Thanks for reading and thanks for your comment. We appreciate the opportunity to work with businesses like yours.