Yesterday I neglected to mention that it was Ripon Athletic that supplied and printed those good-looking custom NFL Pro Bowl practice shirts. Patrick Boyle of the GroupeSTAHL Sales Alliance coordinated efforts with our digital team to produce the CAD-PRINTZ digital transfers. Joyce Roberts, Purchasing Manager at Ripon Athletic, passed along a thank you to everyone who helped get the job done. We are proud to support and complement this “Made in the USA” effort, that is based out of Berlin, Wisconsin.
is it possible to purchase the pro bowl practice shirts…prefer Cam Newton and/or Steve Smith. thank you
Hi Derek,
Thanks for reading. We don’t sell the practice shirts, you would have to go to to see if they have anything similar for sale.
They do not have them on I’d love a Julio Jones shirt but do not want to cough up 179.00$ !!
179.00$ for the jersey I meant .