I am truly humbled by the number of service men and women that work for GroupeSTAHL companies and I want
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As the owner of an international business, I keep my eyes and ears open for signs of economic recovery and
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With Halloween over, and I hope you all have recovered from your sugar hangovers, it’s time to forge ahead towards
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I just heard on the radio that U2 is going to be broadcasting an entire concert live on YouTube this
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Just finished an article in the online New York Times that not only made me laugh, but it reminded me
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What’s the best way to clean a heat press platen? I received this comment on a previous post about heat
Continue readingJeffrey Gitomer hits the nail on the head
I am a big fan of reading, and normally I like to actually hold the book, magazine or newspaper in
Continue readingNot really my color either
Neon colors are always in fashion somewhere, aren’t they? Personally, I think they look better on the beach or on
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