If you’re online tomorrow morning, we’ve got good news coming from our Transfer Express West location in Chandler, Arizona (where it is currently NOT snowing or below freezing). You can follow along LIVE on Facebook tomorrow 1/31 at 9:00am PST/10am MST/12:00pmEST. In addition to the news, Dan will also be giving a tour of the showroom that’s open to our customers. If you live in the Western states, this announcement will give you information on our improved shipping times and services, as well as let you know how to reach us and how we are planning to bring you the custom transfers you need, when you need them! Tune in online on January 31st (just go to the Transfer Express Facebook page) and you will also get to meet some of the people at our Chandler location. We hope you can join in. If not, I’ll be posting more information tomorrow. Keep warm everyone!