Many of you might not be aware that Stahls’ has a clearance site for heat transfer materials. It’s a great place to find bargain prices on heat transfer films, printable media, and transfer (or masking) films. We are planning to add heat printing accessories to the site soon as well. We have many repeat customers, and there is free shipping on all orders within the continental United States. So if you’ve been looking for ways to save this holiday season, the Stahls’ Clearance site just might be the answer. We have a lot of reflective available, if you’ve always wanted to try this in-demand heat transfer material. Keep in mind that s a no-frills clearance website that is completely separate from our main website, and there are no customer service representatives to answer phone questions.

If you’re looking for an inexpensive way to try new heat transfer materials, visit to see what they have available. Inventory changes frequently so check in often.
You can send an email however, if you have a specific question. (please keep in mind that your normal Stahls’ customer service rep will not be able to give you information about items on the Clearance site.) If you’re looking to save $$ on heat transfer materials, this is the place to start your bargain shopping. Why are the items so inexpensive? These are remnants and may have imperfections, rolls that may be composed of several sheets (not continuous). It’s all explained on the Clearance Site, where you will find the following disclaimer:
All Sales are Final, No Returns. Material may have imperfections such as wrinkles, lines, color variations, uneven ends, punched holes for feeding machines, damaged cores. Material may be composed of several rolls to equal order quantity and will likely not be a continuous roll. Pictures and descriptions are used to describe imperfections and show the end user that the product is still usable.