Great story I shared yesterday about the military song Taps, too bad it’s not true! I posted this entry yesterday while under the impression that the story was real, but several people have since pointed out to me that this is not the case. For more information on the true history of this historic song, the website has more information. I’m always learning…thanks to those faithful readers who were kind enough to point out the error and apologies to anyone who was offended. I guess the myth has a life of its own, and was once even printed in a Dear Abby column. As a history buff, I would like to help set the record straight. The website has lots of interesting information on the song and its origins. Here is a quick excerpt from that gives credit where credit is due. Hope everyone is enjoying their Memorial Day Weekend and taking some time to remember the real meaning of the holiday.
Taps began as a revision to the signal for Extinguish Lights (Lights Out) at the end of the day. Up until the Civil
War, the infantry call for Extinguish Lights was the one set down in Silas Casey’s (1801-1882) Tactics, which had
been borrowed from the French. The music for Taps was adapted by Union General Daniel Butterfield for his
brigade (Third Brigade, First Division, Fifth Army Corps, Army of the Potomac) in July, 1862.