Many fans find it unusual to see the Oregon Ducks in all white uniforms for the College Football Championship game. But it’s another example of trendsetting that will most likely trickle down to high schools. (Nike photo) #UOvsOSU
The pregame hoopla about the inaugural collegiate football championship game is bringing commentary about the Oregon Ducks choice of all white uniforms. Whether you’re a Ducks fan or not, you have to admit it is a bit hard to recognize them without the green and yellow school colors. Much has been written about the choice of all white. Even stranger, as brought up by Paul Lukas of UniWatch, (follow on twitter.com/uniwatch) why are they wearing grey pants? Grey is a color associated with Ohio State. I’m sure if the Ducks win white will become a very popular alternative uniform color for schools. If you’re not already watching, tune in to ESPN at 7:30 CT on Jan. 12, 2015. And let me know what you think about what the fans and the players are wearing.

A snapshot of Ohio State fan wear retweeted on Jan 12 by @uniwatch from @PhilHecken on Twitter, Official @Nike Ohio State Champions shirt (via @Joey_Artigue) Notice the use of metallic lettering.

Close up of Ohio State uniform details. Black TV numbers and grey and white striped sleeves are an homage to Ohio’s 1968 Championship team, according to Paul Lukas, UniWatch blog writer and ESPN contributor.

The Oregon mascot, the fighting duck, is still on the sleeve but no longer on the helmet as it was for the Rose Bowl appearance, according to Paul Lukas, UniWatch. #GoDucks