Darcy Swavely is a sports photographer that also offers photo transfers on t-shirts during tournaments. Transfers are produced and heat printed on-site. He also offers the service of adding numbers to gear, using transfer numbers from Transfer Express.
In case you are wondering if photo transfers are still popular, the answer is YES! A photo transfer is the ultimate in “personalization.” How much more personal can you get than a photo? Millions and millions of sheets of ink jet and laser paper are sold everyday…they are being used by screen printers and decorators around the world who have recognized this as one solution for printing full color graphics in extremely low quantities, in a hurry. I recently received a few snapshots from a soccer tournament event where a company called ProPhotoExpress had an on-site trailer set up. One of the most popular items they offered for sale was a photo transfer t-shirt featuring a photo of a team participating in the tournament. The photo was embellished with a logo or two and then printed on inkjet paper and heat applied on a white t-shirt. The result? Happy customers. The cost for the shirt was $20. I know some people have a predisposition against the quality of photo prints made with ink jet or laser papers, but they have their place in the world of heat printing, and definitely a place at events. Concerned about washability? Guess what? Some shirts don’t need to be washed 50 times and still look good. Later this week I’m going to talk more about laser papers and inkjet papers. Hopefully these photos will get you excited about the possibilities of selling more with photo transfers.

This portable trailer is a great way to bring your business to events. Notice the banner, which reads, “Customize Your Gear.” Another good idea, hang up samples of the garments you can create.

Here are some examples of pricing for various heat printing services on-site. These prices were for a venue in the Seattle, Washington area.