- Drizzle and fog did not keep crowds from the Chicago River Saturday morning for the annual tradition of dyeing the river green for St. Patrick’s Day.
We aren’t dyeing any rivers green here at GroupeSTAHL but I have seen a few leprechauns running around this morning and plenty of green t-shirts, hats and jackets. My brother Brian reports that you can get a compressed t-shirt (I don’t think it’s green) attached to a bottle of Bushmills Irish Whiskey if that happens to be your spirit of choice for making Irish coffee. Compressed t-shirts are a great promotional item. I can never get over the things people will do for a free t-shirt. Even at industry trade shows, I mean, we all work in the t-shirt industry…you always see people standing in line to get a free t-shirt. I guess if you have to buy a bottle of Irish whiskey, you might as well get a free t-shirt to go with it. Hope you enjoy the luck of the Irish today and throughout the year. Be responsible and drive safely everyone!