Stahls' ID Direct has a handy chart that makes it easy to figure out what size pre-cut numbers are normally used on different types of sports jerseys. This pic shows a custom three color number but you can order backgrounds and foregrounds for two color numbers and keep them in stock.
Just checking out what’s going on on the Stahls’ All Things Heat Printing Facebook page. Wasn’t too surprised to hear that team numbering is what you are all up to right now…most of you are probably too busy to even be reading this blog. We asked the Facebook crowd how many uniforms they have printed so far this year…one just finished up jerseys for 573 kids…another for 320 teams! What’s the best way to add numbers and letters to so many jerseys? Many of you are using CAD-CUT materials to cut your own or using our custom player name and number services…but the fastest way is to use pre-cut numbers right out of the Stahls’ box. Not sure what size numbers to order or keep on hand? This handy chart is a great reference. And don’t forget that Thermo-FILM pre-cut numbers are also the fastest, easiest way to create two-color lettering and numbering looks. This video shows you how. Let me know how many teams you plan to print for this spring season.