Going from New Mexico into Arizona, we’ve realized what a toll the heat and changes in altitude are taking on the racers. Instead of getting our kicks like the song says, we are experiencing some “kicks” to our scores, especially for Mary and myself after I knocked a wire off the speedometer. A working speedometer is a crucial tool in rally racing. But at least we had the phenomenal Painted Desert and Petrified Forest as a backdrop to all our troubles. We don’t really have the time to stop and enjoy all that we are seeing, because the Great Race is more than a sightseeing trip. Even though we are passing through some very beautiful areas, the rally is a lot of hard work and it is only going to get harder as we continue through Arizona. For example, we all realized what a difference the change in altitude made on our performance sheets. It was not for the positive! And many racers are even removing the hoods from their cars to prevent overheating. But one thing that is really “cool” on the route is all the Burma Shave signs and billboards. Talk about one of the most successful advertising campaigns of all time! It’s fun to read the crazy slogans as we drive along.
Driving in FLIP FLOPS?
We’ve been to Oatman and that THRILLING stretch of 66 several times and have spent a few vacations “Ghost Towning” in that area. Nice pictures and the race looked like fun. If I ever get my 1914 Indian on the road maybe I’ll go out to the museum to show you.