I just had the opportunity to read the Stahls’ ID Direct blog, which featured writings from different team members about things for which they are thankful. Thank you to all who contributed. It reminds me of a Thanksgiving tradition where you go around the table and everyone mentions something. I am thankful for all of the folks at GroupeSTAHL companies around the world, and I appreciate all you do for our customers. Have a fantastic Thanksgiving holiday everyone. If you have a retail store I hope that Black Friday is your best sales day ever and I’m interested to see how the new “Small Business Saturday” concept being introduced by American Express and featured on Facebook turns out. But first, enjoy your time with your family and friends and good luck to all your football teams!
“Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life. It turns what we have into enough, and more. It turns denial into acceptance, chaos to order, confusion to clarity. It can turn a meal into a feast, a house into a home, a stranger into a friend. Gratitude makes sense of our past, brings peace for today, and creates a vision for tomorrow.”
I have been using fabric vinyl for about 5 years in my small custom design business and I am wondering if there is any Material Saftey Data Sheet available for this material. When i have inquired about the chemistry of this material in the past I have not had any success. I just want to know what this material I use on a daily basis is made of. Any assistance is appreciated. Thanks for your time.
Mr. Stahl-
I have been using fabric vinyl for about 5 years in my small custom design business and I am wondering if there is any Material Saftey Data Sheet available for this material. When i have inquired about the chemistry of this material in the past I have not had any success. I just want to know what this material I use on a daily basis is made of. Any assistance is appreciated. Thanks for your time.