One really special thing about the Great Race–in addition to the unparalleled camaraderie we talked about yesterday–is having the opportunity to visit towns you would normally not visit. Kudos to the route planners of each Great Race, they never cease to amaze us with the lovely small towns where we have lunch, dinner and overnights. Early Wednesday morning we left Cape Girardeau, Missouri–where we experienced one of the largest crowds ever– bright and early after receiving our instructions. It was warm again today and we drank a lot of water during the drive to Paragould, Arkansas. Once again, we were welcomed by many classic car enthusiasts, waving from porches and couches brought onto the sidewalk, fans of all ages were on hand. Thanks to everyone for coming out to welcome us to your beautiful town. They even made Teddy an honorary firefighter! Unfortunately we couldn’t stay long, there’s always

Four generations of car enthusiasts! Meet the Pegg Family of Paragould, Arkansas. Thanks for coming out to watch the Great Racers enter town.
another destination we have to get to before dark. During the race sometimes we forget what day it is, we’re so busy preparing, checking the oil, getting gas, washing the car, checking the tires, making sure we will make it to the next stop on time. Sometimes we would like to linger a bit longer. We had the same feeling about Germantown, Tennessee. The hospitality in this town outside of Memphis was truly fantastic. Each Great Race vehicle was personally greeted by a sponsor who was available to answer all our questions and make sure we felt welcome. Well we did! In addition to a delicious and beautifully presented dinner, we were also treated to a violin concert that was truly phenomenal. We wish we could stay longer and enjoy everything your town has to offer but we have a very early call time in the morning. Planning on picking up our instructions at 6:45 (hopefully grabbing a cup of coffee while we do), make sure the cars are in order and then get started for our next stop, Monticello, Arkansas. From there we will continue further south, to Vicksburg, Mississippi. We’re ready to see more of the history of the area as we keep an eye on “Ole Man River”. Goodnight Germantown! Thanks again! Don’t forget, you can see more photos on our Facebook page, The Spirit of Stahls or follow along on Twitter @thegreatrace or @tedstahl. Here are some photos from Wednesday, including several pictures from GroupeSTAHL companies back home who all had a special lunch day while wearing their Spirit of Stahls’ fanwear. Thanks for your support everyone!