You can thank the online t-shirt companies for their role in increasing awareness and availability of custom printed apparel.
When Steve Jobs introduced the iPod in 2007, he talked about how important music is to most people, how it’s a “part of everyone’s life,” and that demand for music isn’t going away. You could say the same thing about t-shirts and custom printed apparel–they’re also a part of just about everyone’s life–and the demand isn’t decreasing.
In fact, in 2014, market demand for custom garments will continue to EXPLODE in both the US and Europe.
What’s behind the explosion? You’ll have to thank your competition. It’s mainly due to a new market awareness created by TV (and internet) advertising produced by online t-shirt companies. Recently in Orlando, I congratulated the director of the largest online t-shirt company for their part in “super-charging” the industry. Because it’s true.
With all their advertising, online custom printing companies have helped inform, inspire and allowed consumers to visualize how simple it is to get anything you want printed on a t-shirt (or sweatshirt or mousepad or banner). Consumers have seen the commercials and they know that getting a custom t-shirt or other promo item printed for an event or group activity is a possibility! This has helped increase market demand exponentially.
What else is changing our market in 2014?
You’ll see the continued improvement of online design and artwork creation.
Why? With online t-shirt companies leading the charge in making it easier than ever for people to create their own custom art online, everyone will have to step up to make artwork creation easier. Not only for simple, one-color custom shirts but also for full color custom designs.
You’ll be able to profit more on your custom printing services.
Why? Thank the online t-shirt companies once again and congratulate them on their price points. Sure you can make a single custom shirt online but it’s going to cost you around $18 or more. But guess what? People are paying for it. Internet companies have found a way to monetize the services that other businesses usually feel forced to give away. By raising the “price bar” so to speak, they’ve given everyone permission to raise prices or at least charge appropriate rates for labor.
With the EXPLODING heat printing marketplace, it’s going to be time for many to make decisions so that you don’t miss the action. There’s a niche of customers out there for all of you, you will just need to provide them with a level of service and efficiency to which they’ve become accustomed. But it’s a good thing! You CAN do it with heat printing. More predictions on the hottest trends and products for 2014 coming soon. Have a safe and happy New Year’s Eve everyone!