We frequently get asked how to price custom printed garments. There is no simple answer, since it truly depends on your overhead, how much time you invested in creating the garment, whether or not you had to do custom artwork, how much you pay your labor and also the socio-economic demographic of your location and your customers. And also of the situation in which garments are being ordered. At some events, such as tournaments or fairs, people are willing to pay a little more for an “impulse” or “souvenir” purchase. If it’s just a local business that wants employee names put on t-shirts, that person wants a much lower price than someone who is making an emotionally driven purchase. Like I said, there’s no easy answer. But whether you use a complicated formula to figure out what to charge or just take your costs and double them, here is a link to a retail pricing sheet put together by Transfer Express. What’s the going rate in your area for adding a name to a shirt? Or a player name and number? Let me know.
$25 each or 2/40
I live in a very small, seaside tourist town. Our season for retail tourist sales is about 4 months of the year. So I charge $15 for kids t-shirts, $20 minimum for heat press adult shirts and $35 for custom cut vinyl or transfer t-shirts. This usually includes a name if needed. My business and boater customers keep me going with custom embroidery and heat press business the rest of the year and I can be a lot more competitive with that business.