Even if you only offer the service of Varsity jackets, you can still use a promo involving jackets to introduce customers to your other printing and customization services. (Photo courtesy of www.moavarsity.com)
I know not everyone who reads my blog reads Facebook, and vice-versa. Which is why I like to share things I find on the Stahls’ FB page from time to time. This posting from today caught my eye, since I know EVERYONE is always wondering, “how can I sell more shirts.” If you’re asking yourself this same question, you can review some of the suggestions that were published in the series, How to Sell More T-Shirts in 23 Days.
And here are a few more ideas from our friends who follow us on Facebook. Thanks for your comments and thanks for being so generous with your ideas. I especially like the idea from Jessie M. (see below), who offers a free coupon to athletes who earn a varsity letter to add a FREE graduation year if they purchase a jacket from them. That’s right, just get them in the door! We have some really creative, hardworking customers out there. Thanks again for sharing. To view the full thread, go to Stahls’–All Things Heat Printing page on Facebook.
Robin N Jeff Cash Friends buy tell their friends etc. My daughter teaches I make her things her coworkers buy..my granddaughter works in a Dr office I.make her things, they buy. Granddaughter in school same thing. Jessie Mommsen One thing we are doing right now are some fundraiser shirts. We lower the cost of the shirt in exchange for putting our logo on the locker patch. Another tool is bag stuffer, frequent buyer rewards, we make the school letters and with each letter they receive a coupon for a free grad year for letter jacket when they purchase their jacket from us (I know not printing, but gets them in the door), the high schools have planners that we place an ad/coupon in, we are a part of the chamber and have access to other members, we have our customers sign up for a VIP email list (using chmipmail) to email specials, new products, coupons, etc. Robin N Jeff Cash I also give away the first of any new design I do to someone if they agree to send a picture to my.page of them wearing my shirt. That helps a lot.
I enjoy keeping up on things through all the programs and newsletters provided. I watched Stahls TV spots that were presented. I would like to know if there is somewhere to re watch the webinar on designing in cadworxlive. There were some effects and design operations that I was not able to try out and now I cannot remember exactly how it works. it was a very useful webinar.
Thanks for your time.