Earlier this week we let you know that Sean Oakley, former General Manager of Stahls’ Canada, was appointed by Brian Sukarukoff as the new General Manager of Transfer Express. Sean has asked me (how about starting your own blog once you get settled in Sean?) to let everyone know that Rob Gardiner, who has been the National Sales Manager for Stahls’ Canada for the last three years, will be taking over responsibilities as the General Manager in Canada. Rob has extensive experience managing sales and marketing and has been a key driving force in this division’s success. In addition to understanding the imprinted sportswear market, digital decorating technology and the needs of customers, Rob is outgoing, energetic and well-spoken. We all look forward to his contributions in this new leadership position. Have a busy weekend everyone! Hopefully you can squeeze in some of your favorite activities around all the heat printing that’s going on this time of year.