I hope everyone had a Merry Christmas and was able to enjoy time with family and friends. While many of us are back to work, in some countries around the world, the day after Christmas, December 26th, is also a holiday. According to Wikipedia, the origins of this European tradition, which has long included giving money and other gifts to those who were needy and in service positions, has been dated to the Middle Ages. Today, there is a lot of shopping (of course Boxing Day has also gone online with many cyber sales leading up to the day) and gift giving going on during Boxing Day. I know here in the US it is a big day for people to take advantage of after-Christmas sales, spending gift cards and doing holiday returns. Many of us at Stahls’ are back at work, getting ready for the January tradeshow season (The first show of the New Year for us will be the ASI Show in Orlando, Jan. 6-7) and helping people start new t-shirt printing businesses. Over the Christmas break I had a lot of people commenting on getting started with heat printing in 2013. There’s never been a better time to do so! Later this week I will share some of my predictions for the New Year.