Before I share some Christmas spirit that has been going on at GroupeSTAHL companies these past few weeks, I wanted to take a minute to share the words of Brian Sukarukoff, CEO of GroupeSTAHL, about the recent tragedy in Newtown, I believe he echoes the sentiments of GroupeSTAHL team members around the world:
“At this Holiday time – our thoughts and prayers go out to all those affected by the tragedy in Newtown, Connecticut as they search for understanding and some small measure of comfort. Their sorrow underscores how much we have to be thankful for this Holiday.”
We do have much for which to be thankful. And one of the things I am thankful for is the enthusiasm and good spirit that our team members display during the holiday season. Even though we are extra busy at work, there is something to be said about taking the time to have a little fun and celebrate the season, as well as help others in need.

For the sixth year in a row, Stahls’ DFC has partnered with the Salvation Army to help children and families have a joyous Christmas. Thanks to all who participated!
In addition to meeting all their holiday fulfillment orders, Stahls’ Decorating Fulfillment Center has produced Knicks’ garments that will be presented by an NBA Player to a family in the Bronx (NY) that’s been through some tough times. They’ve also partnered with the Salvation Army to provide gifts for underprivileged people this holiday season. ( 29 Kids / 15 families were helped this year.) This is their 6th year participating. Thanks to everyone for your involvement and generosity.
From my wife Mary and myself, and the entire GroupeSTAHL family, we wish you all a very, Merry Christmas!
Dear Ted, Mary, Brian and Jan – I just read one of your posts, should old acquaintance be forgot?…….with that theme in mind, this old acquaintance wishes you and your family the very best for 2013 – and since I am simply homesick for my Michigan roots, bought a home in West Branch – your Mom loved it, as will I. God bless you all.