As this ingenious shopping mall Santa has shown the world, sometimes you have to take chances and improvise. We’re all familiar with the Santa photos of smiling kids or screaming kids, but have you ever seen a sleeping baby on Santa’s lap? When Sarah Pasley’s eight month old fell asleep in line, she almost turned around and went home. Then the mall Santa had another idea…well, you get the picture. You might be wondering what this has to do with heat printing…but the gist of it is that you should always be willing to say YES to any order, say YES to any situation that may walk in your door. That’s what this Santa did. Instead of losing an order for photos because the baby was sleeping, Santa used some quick thinking and wound up with a photo that is sure to be copied for years to come. So the next time a customer walks in your door and asks you for something you normally don’t offer, say YES and work with the customer to get the job done. If you own a heat press, there’s really no limit to what you can decorate.