If you’ve ever had an idea for a t-shirt, bumper sticker, or any other wearable, but didn’t know how to go about creating the artwork and don’t want to pay an artist…you can do it yourself. You don’t need ANY graphics software on your computer…AND you will be creating a design that can be output to a wide range of devices. Which means….your finished design can easily be turned into a custom transfer, or output on a cutter with CAD-CUT materials or output to a digital full color printer. Sounds too good to be true, I know, but thousands (actually tens of thousands) of folks who aren’t trained artists are creating their own custom artwork everyday. And you can get started when you finish reading this blog. Just go to cadworxlive.com. In case you’ve never heard me talk about it before… CadworxLive is a revolutionary design service that takes the hassle out of creating the artwork you need to make the fashion or political statement you’ve been dying to create. Now you can create or import a PDF into cadworxlive.com. It’s never been easier or faster (now on the CLOUD!) to create your own custom artwork. Go there now and see for yourself. www.cadworxlive.com