This is the photo used on my mother Ricki's Christmas card last year. Wishing everyone a very Merry Christmas and a healthy and prosperous 2012. For the story about the deer in the photo, see the blog posting.
As the year comes to an end, even though the European economy is struggling and there are no guarantees about the U.S. economy, we still have to count our blessings. If there is one thing you can say about the personalization business– whether you operate in the world of sports, fashion, t-shirts or promotional products segment of our industy–even though we have to work harder than ever to find customers, the business is there. It might be harder to find, but it’s out there. On behalf of my wife Mary and all the Stahl family, I would like to wish you all the best for a wonderful holiday celebration with your families and friends. Thank you for your business this past year–we are truly thankful to have been able to serve you and help you grow your business.
The photo I’ve chosen for this blog post is the photo from the Christmas card sent in 2010 by my mother Ricki. It will be our first Christmas without her and we are all drawn to our special memories with her at this time of the year. I thought I would share it with all of you, along with the story that goes with it: This photo was taken in 2006, up in Grayling, Michigan. My mother rescued an injured deer, nursing it back to health with Ensure and ground up oatmeal until she could eat on her own. She named the deer Annie and it stayed on Ricki’s property for a long time. The first spring after she left, she didn’t return with any fawns. But the second year she showed up with twin fawns, and the following year she showed up to let Ricki see her triplet fawns–quite unusual in the world of deer. This photo shows Annie with her two little does and one little buck. Whenever I look at this photo, it reminds me of Ricki’s love of nature and animals, but mostly it reminds me of the message I believe my mother wanted us all to remember: Be kind to others. At Christmastime and throughout the year.