Register today to attend this educational event that takes place on September 11 in Sacramento, California.
If you live in the Sacramento, California area and own an embroidery machine, this workshop is a great opportunity to learn how to save time and money with appliqué and other heat printing techniques. Stahls’ is teaming up with Custom Embroidery Systems for an all-day, hands-on heat printing and embroidery training session on September 11, 2013. It’s designed for those new to embroidery or anyone needing a refresher course and runs from 9:30 am to 4 pm. You’ll learn how to digitize designs, cut appliqué, create two-color appliqué designs, and use the new STAHLS’ Rip-Away Appliqué technique. This is an excellent opportunity to try products like Stahls’ Appliqué Fabrics, Any Word. Any Way.™, Auto-Stitch, and see the STAHLS’ Rip-Away Appliqué process in action. To register, call GroupeSTAHL Sales Alliance representative Jay Humeniuk at (415) 286-6168 FREE or email him at jay.humeniuk@gssalesalliance.com. Attendance is limited to 50 students, so register now!
Lessons will be taught using industry-leading equipment, like Melco, SWF, and Brother® embroidery machines, the Roland® GX-24 vinyl cutter, and the Hotronix® Auto Clam heat press. Registration is $50 per person and includes lunch and 2 garments which you will embroider.
Where: CES – Commercial Embroidery Systems 2417 Cormorant Way Sacramento, CA 95815 (916) 920-4288
When: September 11, 2013
Event Schedule:
- 9:30 – 10 am – Demonstration: Applying two-color Any Word. Any Way.™ Kiss Cut® Appliqué.
- 10 – 10:45 am – Students apply appliqué to sample jersey.
- 10:45-11 am – Break
- 11 – 11:30 am – Demo: Applying Stahls’ Auto-Stitch letters and numbers using the Stahls’ Embroidery Express® Sew File Collection CD.
- 11:30 am – 12:15 pm – Students apply Auto-Stitch to sample jersey.
- 12:15 – 1 pm -Lunch
- 1 – 1:45 pm – Cutting your own appliqué using Stahls’ CadworxLIVE® and the Roland GX-24 vinyl cutter, and digitizing with Stahls’ TwillStitchPro®.
1:45 – 2:30 pm – Students cut, digitize, and apply appliqué to sample. - 2:30 – 2:45 pm – Demonstration: STAHLS’ Rip-Away Appliqué™ using Stahls’ Glitter Flake heat transfer material.
- 2:45 – 3:30 pm – Students apply a design using the Rip-Away Appliqué technique on a sweatshirt.