Teachers from the Denton District learning about heat printing at Stahls’ Texas location.
At STAHLS’ Texas location we recently welcomed teachers from the Denton Independent School District for hands-on Entrepreneurial Training–the district is adding heat printing to their curriculum in the very near future. The district of Denton is located only a few miles north of our Texas warehouse, and is made up of 18 cities, communities and major developments. After meeting representatives from the Denton District at the TALAE Conference, they showed immediate interest in heat printing as a business building concept. In April, after receiving approval from their board of directors, the district purchased two Hotronix Fusion IQ packages with carts in order to implement the STAHLS’ heat printing program in two centers this summer. Our training will be part of their Integrated Entrepreneur Training Program (IET) and teachers will start the program next week with students of Intermedia and advanced ESL classes. Curriculum updates and Teacher Training Books were made in May along with preparations for hands-on teacher training at the Texas warehouse on June 12. This was a team effort with all STAHLS’ divisions providing support. Special thanks to Mona and Sonia in Texas for hosting and training the Denton teachers. Another shout out to the support and collaboration from Sarah and Peggy -Concept Development; Emily and Donna -Training and Development; Darry, Linda and Carol -Trade Shows; Gloria, Bobby and Chris-Customer Service; Sonia, Mona-Texas Team; Sam- Marketing; Brandon, Jimmy, Jacob -Marketing interns; Andy -Transfer Express. Thanks to everyone who helped to make this new program a success.