How to Sell More T-Shirts in 23 Days–Day 18

It's easy to add your store name and phone number to every shirt you sell, making it easier for folks to remember who to call when they need to order more!


This may have been mentioned before in a list of things to do, but it deserves its own posting. If you are not doing this already, you are missing future sales opportunities. You may think that your customers will remember where they purchased their shirts, but it’s always good to have a reminder printed right on the shirt. You can order or create your own tiny custom printed “apparel or shirt tags” that can be heat printed onto each shirt purchased.  It should have your business name and phone/web address.  That is advertising that will last a long time. You can also add washing instructions to the tag. Your customers will appreciate that as well. Tagless labels are also a great idea if you are creating a limited edition line of clothing. You can create a sheet of consecutively numbered tags if you need to.

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  1. Tom Ott says:

    I read about your success in the Sunday paper and am happy for you. I have thought about you a couple of times over the years, mostly when we had Marlene’s ring setting redesigned. You were able to get her engagement ring for me back in the late 60’s. Are the Stahl boats still named “cent and a half”.

  2. Ted says:

    Thanks for getting in touch. I appreciate your comment and sharing your memory from my days in the jewelry business. I hope that Marlene enjoys her new setting and congratulations on your long marriage! I am still boating but the boat no longer bears that name. Thanks again for reading.

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