If you have a heat press you can print just about anything. Even if you don’t get the t-shirt or team jersey business, there are a lot more items you can offer to local schools, teams and businesses. Here are just some ideas:
1. Team uniform sales can be very competitive at the school level, but don’t forget that you can provide “non-uniform” items to players (off playing field shirts, caps, water bottles, banners, etc.) and all the items you can provide the fans (more graphic/bling type apparel, seat cushions for bleacher seats, scarves for cold games, window decals to “ride with pride”.
2. Find out which schools have Student Stores –visit the store and show them some up to date cool samples of what you can offer.
3. Ask if you could set up a table at sporting events – baseball games, football games, hockey, basketball, etc. All you need is a table, electricity, and
heat applied products for the event and to offer the service of personalized names on existing shirts. If you want you can donate a portion of the proceeds back to the team.
4. Homecoming & Proms – all the kids have shirts with the theme and the date of the dance as a parting gift – it is the norm now.
5. Keep track of who is winning in what sports –all championship games need a shirt commemorating the BIG WIN! Most schools hold assemblies the first school
day back from a BIG WIN – hundreds of shirts could be sold.
6. Swim teams and meets need not only t-shirts, but tote bags and towels that can be personalized for each team or each member. Think of items that other sports need in addition to uniforms.