Some of you may be familiar with the expression and the “Keep On Truckin” artwork made famous by artist R. Crumb in the 70’s. And whether or not your business benefited from Cyber Monday, there’s no reason to take the gas off the pedal now. Cyber Monday is just one day and you need to keep marketing the other 364 days of the year. Don’t know where to start? Take a look at your customers and see what you can do better to help them place and order. It can be confusing to place an order for custom t-shirts and the businesses that make it easier are the ones that will be more successful. And don’t forget about all the t-shirt internet companies with TV advertising that are driving customers right at you. It’s your job to scoop them up. If others are educating the public with high-cost advertising dollars, take advantage of the fact that more people now know that low quantity instant personalization exists–at your store! There’s nothing you can do to prevent people from ordering online, but keep in mind that most people like to see and feel what their printed shirts will look like–and that’s something you can offer by having samples in your store. So keep on selling, keep a stack of business cards in your pocket and let people know that you print t-shirts! And more!