Spring means sports for so many people and for so many businesses that is a great thing. The need for sports-related custom clothing is what Stahls’ is built on, but every once in a while I get a strong reminder that there are many custom printing opportunties beyond sports. This past weekend my youngest daugther participated in an event I had no idea even existed until I attended the Detroit District FIRST Robotics 2010 at Wayne State University’s Matthaei Athletic Complex with over 2,000 students, coaches and parents. It was a phenomenal event on many levels. First of all, to see all the hard work, ingenuity and sheer brain power that these teams put into creating remote-controlled robots that played soccer of sorts. It was amazing, two full days of energized activity, teamwork and plain old fun, with the kids dancing and jumping around to popular songs in between competitions. The t-shirt side of me couldn’t help but notice that EVERYONE there was wearing a custom shirt of some sort. Each team had their own custom shirt, some were normal t-shirts, some tie-dyed, some collared shirts, some had jackets, most had hats…and they were all covered with logos, team names, numbers, sponsor names, sayings, slogans….it couldn’t get more custom. Each team had pit crews and they had shirts, the parents wore shirts, the coaches wore shirts…you get my drift. All I’m trying to say is, if you don’t like sports, or if you don’t want to build your business around sports, you don’t have to. There are plenty of opportunties like this one out there in your community. The challenge is, letting people know you offer the service of custom printing shirts…
My son particiapted in Robotics in high school. The name of his team was Gearheads. Their custom shirt had a stick figure with a gear for the head. Robotics is great program for kids to belong to a team at their school other than athletics. I really enjoy reading your blog