With December upon us, the stress of the holidays starts sneaking up on everyone. The stores are more crowded, people are fighting for parking spaces at the mall and everyone just seems a little more frazzled than usual. It’s going to be a long month folks! Lately I’ve been doing my best to practice simple acts of kindness when I am out running errands, such as holding open doors for the person behind me, letting people go ahead of me in the check out line and generally giving others the right of way when push comes to shove in a crowded store. It’s not much, I’m not changing the world or saving orphans but just trying to be very aware of my actions and trying to make my actions promote kindness. Sometimes it is as simple as a smile or an extra thank you. This is my way of honoring the memory of my mother, since kindness was one of Ricki’s greatest character traits. Little did I know that there are many websites devoted to the art of practicing random acts of kindness! If you ever need ideas on how to be nice, no worries, the internet has a lot of suggestions for you. But for most of you I’m sure it will come naturally. Be kind to one another!