Tom and Linda Grancey from Foothill Off Road in Colorado learn more about new CAD-CUT H20 from Josh Ellsworth.
I already mentioned how people were looking for something more at the recent SGIA show–more colors, more options, more IDEAS. Like Tom and Linda Grancey from Foothill Off Road in Colorado. Josh Ellsworth worked with them at the booth and reports that they were impressed with new CAD-CUT H2O and CAD-CUT Pebble Puff. They were looking for ideas to add some pizazz and interest instead of just selling standard colors. They had had success by adding Fashion Film Electric and now they plan to take the next step with H2O.
As an exhibitor and long-time participant in industry trade shows of all calibers, I also felt that this SGIA show was exceptional in the complexity of the mixture of attendees. It wasn’t just screen printers, or sign people or textiles, it was dealers of all sizes and there was a really good mix of international customers and everybody we spoke to said they really had a great show, both in sales, the level of interest and the future sales that would come out of the show. The biggest thing that most people agreed upon was that the industry as a whole was doing very well and people were buying equipment, buying supplies and buying new products.
Another interesting point about this show– normally, when you’re in a popular city like Vegas or New Orleans, evening time becomes more important than trade show time—people are anxious to get out and see the sights. However at this show, even at the closing bell the aisles were jam packed and you couldn’t even get through them. People didn’t want to leave…