The Importance of Relationships


Matt Carlson, President and CEO of the National Sporting Goods Association welcomes everyone to the 52nd Annual Managment Conference and 18th Annual Team Dealer Summit on May 23, 2016.

Matt Carlson, President and CEO of the National Sporting Goods Association welcomes everyone to the 52nd Annual Management Conference and 18th Annual Team Dealer Summit on May 23, 2016. Stahls’ is proud to be a Platinum Sponsor of this event..

Although I was personally not able to attend this year, the NSGA Management Conference and Team Dealer Summit is currently taking place in Hilton Head, South Carolina. Stahls’ is represented this year by several people, including our son Brett. This is a fantastic networking event that combines educational sessions with the opportunity to meet with peers. Although there have been a few rough bumps in the industry recently, with the major chains Sports Authority and Sports Chalet closing hundreds of stores, the atmosphere at the conference remains positive. In addition to the keynote speech from boxing legend Sugar Ray Leonard, there were educational sessions that brought attention to several important issues, including the science of relationships. I’m looking forward to sharing more with you on the topic of relationships, but here are some photos for now.

Boxing legend Sugar Ray Leonard gives the keynote address at the NSGA Management Conference.

Boxing legend Sugar Ray Leonard gives the keynote address at the NSGA Management Conference.

Brett has the opportunity to meet, greet and chat with Sugar Ray after his presentation. One of his inspirational quotes: You have to put in the road work!

Brett has the opportunity to meet, greet and chat with Sugar Ray after his presentation. One of his inspirational quotes: You have to put in the road work!

Brett Stahl introduces Win Weber, who spoke about Supplier/Dealer Relationships.

Brett Stahl introduces Win Weber, who spoke about Supplier/Dealer Relationships.

A slide that we can all relate to. Presented in David Nour's workshop on the science of relationships.

A slide that we can all relate to. Presented in David Nour’s workshop on the science of relationships.

David Nour and his son Justus. Justus gave his input on the importance of the buying power of Generation Z.

David Nour and his son Justus. Justus gave his input on the importance of the buying power of Generation Z.

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