Thanks to our wrapping volunteers and ALL of the people who were so generous with their gifts. We came together to spread a little Christmas cheer to a deserving family.
I was very proud to receive the following email from Andy Curtis at Transfer Express. I’ll let him tell the story, in his own words.
Last night a group of us got together to wrap the gifts purchased for our adopted family. For those who hadn’t heard the story, our family is a single parent household. Mom, Jasmine, has three children. The oldest, Jayden, is 14 and he loves football and sports in general. The only girl is Maliah and she’s 10. She loves crafts of all sorts and Barbies. The youngest is Chevez and he’s 9 years old. He likes Basketball, RC cars, and board games.Two things occurred to me as we were preparing to wrap last night. There was a moment where all 6 or 7 of us stood quietly in disbelief at the sheer number of gifts sprawled across 4 and half lunch room tables while some sat on chairs and some on the floor. We were all struck by the generosity of our Transfer Express family. We certainly pulled out all the stops here, folks. We had retired Transfer Express employees bringing in gifts… we had gift baskets for the family… we had games and books galore for the kids… and even a basket of cleaning products put together for mom Jasmine who wouldn’t tell the agency what she wanted for Christmas. It was an impressive sight. And we all agreed that this little family will have a least a little Merry in their Christmas this year!I had a second thought I wanted to share with everyone as well. As we started to tackle the project of organizing, wrapping, and labeling each gift, it really hit me that when we as a team come together on a united goal, we truly are capable of accomplishing anything. Between our wrapping volunteers and ALL of the people who gave great gifts, we came together to spread a little Christmas cheer to an underprivileged family. We were able to make a difference for a few people. Together we make a powerful team.