Calculating Heat Printing Costs

How do you price CAD-CUT heat transfer materials? This video from answers many of your questions on the art of pricing custom apparel.

How do you price CAD-CUT heat transfer materials? This video from answers many of your questions on the art of pricing custom apparel.

How to price your custom apparel for sale is one of the most frequently asked questions, especially to those that are new to the business. Even if you’ve been in business for many years, you still may want to review your pricing procedure and make adjustments from time to time. There are always new variables coming into the mix, such as easier ways to get things done, new competitors and of course, just general supply and demand. Remember, your customers have many choices available to them and you want to remain competitive without hurting your bottom line. This video, presented by, goes over many rules of thumb for pricing custom printing done with CAD-CUT heat transfer materials.

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  1. Penny Smith says:

    Can you please send me the calculator.

  2. Josh Wylie says:

    Missed this session can you email me the calculator

  3. Joe Couch says:

    Can you please send me the calculator as I had to work and missed the webinar. I am wacthing as we speak. Thank you.

  4. Diane Ostrow says:

    Battling cancer so I’ve been in and out of hospital and not able to attend webinars. Would it be possible to get the calculator emailed to me although I could attend? Many thanks!

  5. Tina Schuldt says:

    good information… can you please send me the calculator

  6. Amanda S. says:

    I couldn’t watch live but am watching it now. I’d love to have the cost calculator!! I’m so glad I’ve found your site – I love your quality products and educational videos and posts.

  7. Steve Hall says:

    Would it be possible to get s copy of your cost calculator? I created something similar but you is much better.

  8. Ted says:

    Penny, you can find a simplified version here:

    Thanks for reading and let me know if this helps.

  9. Ted says:

    Maybe this link will help.
    Thanks for reading.

  10. Ted says:

    Thanks for reading, maybe this link will help


  11. Ted says:

    Thanks for reading. Of course we will email you the link.
    Perhaps you can access from here.

    All the best,

  12. VONDA CURLEE says:

    Can i get the calculator, please!
    You are my main vinyl supplier
    thank you for all your educational videos.

  13. Ted says:

    Hi Vonda
    Thanks for reading. Here is the link to the CAD-CUT Cost calculator!

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