Today was the technical check for all the cars entered in the Great Race 2015. We were very happy to learn that all our cars were certified “road ready.” And each car received some fantastic new stickers. We also had to test each car’s speedometer for accuracy by running a test mile. In spite of the rainy weather, this is part of the Great Race process that we have come to really enjoy. It’s very good to see so many of our old friends, as well as meet and welcome new racers to the group.

Running the test mile to check the accuracy of the speedometer in the rain.

The Leslie Special is always a hit.

Making sure we meet all the required technical inpections.

There’s always something that needs adjusting. Brett lends a hand.

Another one passes inspection.

Looking good Thomas! You are ready to rally.

We passed inspection! Thank you Dave.

Applying stickers to the cars. Is that a Stahls’ box?

It’s not a Great Race if you don’t have the right stickers.

Happy to have Rob Knoll join us in Kirkwood for the start of the race.
Sharing is caring!