Still not using Transfer Express for your custom transfer needs? Try our Fast Track to registering and start designing transfers in minutes.
Have you been to the new Transfer Express website lately? You’ll be surprised at its new look and improved ease of use. Now anyone can start designing custom transfers in just minutes. Plus, Easy View®, our online designer, is now mobile friendly. Which means you can design and order your custom transfers from your smart phone or other mobile device. If you are at your customer’s location, you can get on your phone or tablet, create the design, choose the colors and order the transfers before you leave their store or office. Talk about sealing the deal. If you are an existing customer, you’ll also find many new shortcuts that will save time and make your life easier. For example, if you were in the middle of designing a transfer but got called away, there’s a button in EasyView that allows you to “Resume Last Session.” With one click you are literally back at the drawing board.
If you’ve never used the site before because you didn’t want to go through the process of signing up as a customer, you’ll find that now you can design and create custom transfers without filling out a lot of “paperwork.” Just click on our “Fast Track to Registering” and get started quickly. In addition, all the quality “how-to” information you need on how to start a t-shirt business or how to apply transfers is still there. We’ve just made it a lot easier to find. Let us know how you like the new site. It’s a work in progress and we always appreciate your feedback. Or if you see something you really like, give our web designers a shout out. We’ve been working hard to make it easier to do business with us. Let us know what you think.
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