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There are a lot of how to events scheduled in February and March on StahlsTV.com. If you want to receive email updates on what is planned, go to stahlstv.com and register. You will be asked a few short questions but that’s all. Registering will also give you access to hundreds of archived how-to heat print videos. If you’ve already attended one of our live, interactive classes, we’d like to hear what you think. Or let me know if there is a topic you would like to see covered. I hope everyone is keeping warm if you are in one of the areas of the country that is experiencing winter weather right now. We’ve had our fair share of snow here in the Detroit area. On Groundhog’s Day, Punxsatawney Phil did see his shadow, so tradition says that means six more weeks of winter. If you created any snow-themed or blizzard-themed shirts, please share on our All Things Heat Printing Facebook page.