Mary and I and other family members and many volunteers were on hand to welcome our guests on Veterans Day at the museum.
It was a jam-packed day at the Stahls Auto Museum Veterans Day Open House with over 2,000 visitors. Many of the visitors were very emotional when we thanked them for their service and we are truly honored to have to opportunity to welcome them. Like last year, we noticed there was a great sense of camaraderie between the veterans. It didn’t matter where, which branch or how long they served, they all share a certain kinship that is wonderful to see. Steven Jackson, who is a veteran, was busy greeting folks at the door and he mentioned that at least a dozen World War II veterans were on hand. The event included a Color Guard, speeches and patriotic songs. John Lind from Detroit Arsenal of Democracy and several other speakers took the time to thank everyone for their service and dedication. We also have to give a special thank you to VP GroupeSTAHL Marketing Carleen Gray for brainstorming and organizing everything, as well as all the volunteers who pitched in to make sure things ran smoothly. Thank you to all the knowledgeable volunteers, especially Wendy, Terri, John, Bill and all the museum regulars, many of whom are veterans themselves. Thank you to everyone who had a hand in making this event so special for our very special veterans and their families. We hope to see you all again next year.

A special thank you to all the volunteers from Stahls’ and from the museum. It was a fantastic turnout.