Check in with Great Garment Graphics on a regular basis for new marketing ideas, step by step printing tips and much more. It's a fantastic educational resource for anyone who owns a heat press.
In case you still haven’t discovered this site, www.greatgarmentgraphics.com is an excellent source of how-to information on all things heat press related. Today there is a FREE webinar on Fundraising Ideas Using Custom Transfers. In this webinar, Meghan Biro will teach you:
• How to run a profitable fundraiser for both you and the organization.
• Options to run the fundraiser, including producing apparel onsite and distributing order forms for potential donations.
• Which designs to offer and how many.
• How to make an order form.
• Cost saving tips and more!
It starts at 2pm EDT so you still have time to sign up. If you can’t make it, you will be able to find the information presented in the webinar on www.greatgarmentgraphics.com