I pass this sign whenever I'm driving up north to my mother's cottage on the AuSable River. Sylvester's has been there for years but they don't take it for granted. They let everyone know what they do. Great example of exposure.
Day 10–Increase Your Exposure
What do I mean by exposure? It means letting people know what you do. It is closely related to yesterday’s tip, ASK FOR THE SALE. You need to make sure people know who you are and what it is you do. What are some ways you can do this?
1) Always carry a supply of business card with your contact information. Give them out to everyone you meet. Everyone needs t-shirts at some point. Or they know someone who needs t-shirts.
2) Consider low-cost advertising in places where business owners might congregate. How about a church bulletin? On a bus bench outside a courthouse or city hall.
3) Print up flyers and tuck them under windshields of cars parked outside the office supply or quicky print store.
4) If you know the owner of a printing shop and he/she doesn’t mind, ask to put a stack of flyers or a “drop your card” in this bowl to gather names of other businesses.
5) Post your card at the carwash or on other information boards that have exposure in the community.
6) Sponsor a local sports league that includes the privelege of putting a banner with your store info on the fields. Different levels of sponsorship come with different perks. You have to find the leagues you want to sponsor that will give you the most exposure.
7) Approach stores that sell performance wear, such as bike stores or running stores, and let them know that you have the ability to add their logo to the items they sell.
8) Do you already have a sign in your store window that says “We Print Custom T-Shirts!” If not, that should be the first thing you do after reading this. You might think the name of your business makes it obvious as to what you do, but you would be surprised. You can also add words such as “No Minimums” “Overnight Services” “Custom Printing While You Wait”. “We Print On Anything” is also a good one. You want to make sure you tell the world what it is you do.