If you’re like most business owners, you’re busy everyday with all kinds of small details. When do you have time to work on marketing ideas or find new customers? My advice? Set aside 10 minutes each day to spot a local business that you would like to gain as an account. Put some thought into what type of custom printed item they might need–they just might not have realized it yet! Jot down their address and send a flyer with a hand written note (maybe with a printed mini-t inside it) letting them know that you can provide them with custom printed shirts and more.
Here’s another idea…have you noticed the increase in valet parking services lately? It seems that the aging baby-boomers don’t want to (or can’t) walk long distances from the parking lot anymore. What does that mean for your business? How about approaching valet service companies with the service of reflective logos on caps or vests. Volunteer vests are another great custom item that people don’t know where to purchase. How about letting schools and businesses know that you have volunteer vests available for their next big event?
Great idea! Plan your work-10 minutes a day to prospect-then work your plan.
Thanks for the suggestion
Thanks for the tips. This will help us out!